Our birthday charity project: sponsoring exams for Malaysian students
This year, our company celebrated its twelfth anniversary. To mark the date in a memorable way, we decided to collaborate with our long-term partner Ideas Academy on an educational charity project. Ideas Academy is a centre providing affordable secondary online education and offline classes in Kuala Lumpur.
We covered the Cambridge curriculum IGCSE exam fees for sixteen students of Ideas Academy. Now they can take English, mathematics, physics, chemistry, ICT, business studies, accounting, and economics exams free of charge. This autumn, each sponsored student will take at least five exams. And to aid them in exam preparation, we provided their teachers with the latest editions of Cambridge textbooks.
Previously, we partnered with Ideas Academy on another project to sponsor exams for underprivileged students and on the digitalisation of learning centres. The organisation believes in education for all and aims to help every student grow into an independent and passionate adult.
Since one of our values as a broker is development and education, we strongly believe in supporting initiatives aimed at bringing knowledge to the masses. We thank Ideas Academy for the successful partnership and look forward to working together in the future.