
Forex Flash: Markets slug along with focus on tomorrow – Societe Generale

Kit Juckes, Global Head of Currency Strategy at Societe Generale feels that its been an in-between sort of day.

The ECB and BoE meet tomorrow, with Carney´s Treasury Testimony and Spanish bond auctions also on the menu and likely to prove equally as telling as to market sentiment ahead.

Forex Flash: Market Skittish ahead of ECB – BBH

Brown Brothers Harriman analysts feel that the market is becoming a little skittish ahead of tomorrow’s ECB meeting and there may also be some apprehension ahead of the Spanish bond auction – the first since the LTRO pay down.
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Forex Flash: Move AUD/USD stop level – Nomura

Nomura Strategist Geoffrey Kendrick believes that it is time to move the stop on AUD/USD long positions.
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